Republican presidential primaries

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Santorum Took State Cash for Kids' Schooling

...despite fact that he wants government out of education

(Newser) - Rick Santorum has been telling America it's time to take federal and state government "out of the education business," leaving schools in local hands. Indeed, he proudly home-schools his own children—but it seems he's not above using state money to do so, the AP reports....

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

 Mitt Romney 
 Holds Onto 
 Lead, Sort Of 
Primary Postgame

Mitt Romney Holds Onto Lead, Sort Of

Pundits weigh in on what his Michigan, Arizona victories mean

(Newser) - Mitt Romney may have had to sweat a little, but he won in both Michigan and Arizona last night. Is he the favorite for the nomination again? Here's what pundits are saying:
  • We'll let Romney himself have the first word: "We didn't win by a lot,

Romney: I&#39;ll Win Michigan

 in Michigan 
tonight's primaries

Romney, Santorum Neck-and-Neck in Michigan

Romney has Arizona in the bag

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is feeling confident. The former governor is boasting that he'll take the hard-fought Michigan primary today, the AP reports—but it's going to be a nail-biter. Eleventh-hour polls show Romney and Rick Santorum neck-and-neck in the state. Nate Silver is estimating Romney will best Santorum by...

GOP Governors Not Touching 2012 Race

Some fret over dividing party, others think endorsements don't matter

(Newser) - The National Governors Association gathered in Washington over the weekend—and though DC is abuzz over who the GOP nominee will be, most Republican governors are resolutely sitting on their hands. The majority haven't yet endorsed a candidate, and probably won't until the nomination is near, Politico notes—...

Santorum: Romney and Paul Made Secret Deal

Republican candidate suggests opponents colluding against him

(Newser) - Rick Santorum: conspiracy theorist? The Republican candidate suggested today that Mitt Romney has already picked Ron Paul as his VP candidate in a back-room deal, CBS News reports. At a Tea Party rally in Michigan, Santorum noted how Romney and Paul seemed to gang up on him at the GOP...

Mitt Romney: the 'Gotcha Candidate'

Politico says he's become adept at going on offense

(Newser) - Heavy opposition research and 'gotcha' moments—never have they been used by a front-runner as much as Mitt Romney has used them this political season, writes Politico . (The article even dubs him the "gotcha candidate.") Throughout 20 Republican debates, Romney has been the most consistently ready...

GOP Has No Good Choices
 GOP Has No Good Choices 
Gail Collins

GOP Has No Good Choices

Gail Collins mocks the latest GOP debate

(Newser) - Last night's debate threw the GOP race into focus for Gail Collins, and it predictably begins with her favorite prop, Seamus Romney: "Take your pick, Republicans. On one hand, the guy who once drove to Canada with the family dog strapped to the roof of the car,...

GOP Hopefuls Would Pile on US Debt
 GOP Hopefuls 
 Would Pile on US Debt 

GOP Hopefuls Would Pile on US Debt

...except for Ron Paul's plan

(Newser) - The GOP presidential candidates do an awful lot of talking about fiscal conservativism, but when their budgets meet the road, there seems to be plenty of rubber involved. The budget plans of Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Newt Gingrich would all greatly expand the national debt, independent analysts find. The...

GOP&#39;s Roemer Mounts Indie Run
 GOP's Roemer 
 Mounts Indie Run 

GOP's Roemer Mounts Indie Run

He'll jump into fray with Americans Elect and Reform Party

(Newser) - A GOP candidate is dropping out of the presidential primary race—not that most people ever knew he was in it. Buddy Roemer is ending his long-shot GOP bid , and exchanging it for an even longer-shot independent bid, the former Louisiana governor announced today. "I have decided to take...

Tonight&#39;s Debate Could Change the Race
 Tonight's Debate 
 Could Change the Race 

Tonight's Debate Could Change the Race

Santorum's on the hot seat, Romney's back is to the wall, Gingrich needs a comeback

(Newser) - It's been a while, but America's favorite political game show is back. Yes, the Republican presidential candidates will square off in Mesa tonight for their first debate in nearly a month. Here are the storylines in play:
  • The final showdown—The stakes are "about as high as

Romney, Santorum Tied in Arizona: Poll

Mitt's lead disappears

(Newser) - A week ahead of the Arizona primary, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are virtually tied, a CNN/Time/ORC poll finds. Romney has 36% support among likely voters, while Santorum has 32%—but the gap between them is within the poll's margin of error. Some 18% are set to vote for...

Why Lincoln Wouldn't Win the GOP's Nomination

Jackie Hogan gives 4 reasons today's GOP would write off Abe

(Newser) - Sure, the GOP calls itself the "Party of Lincoln," but would today's Republicans actually nominate him for president? Writing in the Christian Science Monitor , Jackie Hogan gives four reasons why they wouldn't:
  1. He was the first president to make income tax law—and it was a

Romney Closing Gap in Michigan

Rick Santorum's 15-point lead shrinks to 4

(Newser) - Last week, Rick Santorum led Mitt Romney in the Michigan race by 15 points ; now, that lead is down to just four points, Public Policy Polling finds. Some 37% of voters say they support Santorum, compared to 33% for Romney; Ron Paul follows with 15%, while Newt Gingrich stands at...

Daily Kos Hatches Scheme: Get Dems to Vote Santorum!

Liberal blog plans 'Operation Hilarity' to give Romney a headache

(Newser) - The Daily Kos may be a liberal blog, but it's throwing its support behind Rick Santorum—sort of. In a post yesterday announcing "Operation Hilarity," Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas urged Democrats to take advantage of the upcoming open primaries and caucuses in Michigan, North Dakota, Tennessee,...

Newt's Billionaire Backer Out to Beat Santorum

Sheldon Adelson is fine with Mitt Romney as nominee: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson is considering dropping another massive pile of cash into Newt Gingrich's super PAC—but he's doing it in part because he thinks it will help Mitt Romney, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The billionaire casino mogul thinks that keeping Gingrich in the race will draw...

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan
 Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

Romney Goes All-In on Michigan

And his supporters think he'll win

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's campaign machine has revved into overdrive in Michigan, sending top operatives to the state and pouring money into TV ads, including a $1.3 million buy yesterday—not that Team Romney thinks it's got anything to worry about. Despite the most recent poll data , Romney's...

Palin: GOP Needs an 'Instinctive' Conservative

Hints at Romney problems, saying too late to 'spin it'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin topped off the Conservative Political Action Conference last night with a rousing speech, avoiding endorsing any candidate, but certainly hinting at Mitt Romney's weaknesses, reports the Wall Street Journal . Palin said that Republicans need a conservative whose beliefs are "instinctive," not someone molded by spin...

Romney Edges Ron Paul in Maine Caucus

Ron Paul takes a close second, Santorum third

(Newser) - Mitt's having the quite the day: After winning the CPAC straw poll , Romney won Maine's so-called "lazy caucus" today with 39% of the vote, NBC Politics reports. His 2,190 total votes gave him a narrow victory over Ron Paul, who took second with 1,996 votes...

Maine Caucus: Ron Paul Might Actually Win a State

Unpredictable low-turnout contest favors Paul's unconventional campaign

(Newser) - Tomorrow might be the day Ron Paul supporters have been waiting for: the day the Texas libertarian actually wins a state. Of course, that state would be Maine, which is holding a non-binding caucus that's expected to draw only a few thousand people, but it would still represent a...

Don&#39;t Expect Quick End to GOP Race

 Don't Expect 
 Quick End to 
 GOP Race 

Don't Expect Quick End to GOP Race

David Weigel: Ignore the pundits and enjoy the campaigns

(Newser) - Pundits are constantly heralding the end of the GOP race: If Newt Gingrich doesn't win this state, he's done; if Mitt Romney carries that state, he's won it all. But Tuesday's contests made us "confront the truth: The Republican race will last until April at...

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