Bill Cosby

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Cosby Juror: 10 of 12 Voted to Convict
Cosby Juror
Reveals What

Cosby Juror Reveals What Happened

2 jurors refused to convict

(Newser) - After 52 hours of tense deliberations, two holdouts in Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial refused to convict the 79-year-old comedian, a juror told ABC News , per the AP . The juror, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said 10 of the 12 jurors agreed that Cosby was guilty on the...

Cosby Lawyer: Next Time, We'll Get an Acquittal

Judge says trial No. 2 could start within months

(Newser) - Though it’s only been two days since a judge declared a mistrial in the sexual assault case of Bill Cosby, the comedian’s criminal defense attorney is already expressing confidence that his client will be acquitted if he's tried again. "[W]e have a wonderful criminal justice system...

Camille Cosby Rips Into Prosecutor ... and the Judge

While Cosby's team claims victory, the judge made some clarifications

(Newser) - Bill Cosby, the comedian once known as "America's Dad" for his TV role as paternal Dr. Cliff Huxtable, is declaring victory this Father's Day after a jury deliberated 52 hours without reaching consensus on charges he drugged and molested a woman in 2004. District Attorney Kevin Steele...

Judge Declares Mistrial in Cosby Sexual Assault Case

The jury had deliberated for more than 52 hours

(Newser) - Bill Cosby's trial on sexual assault charges has ended without a verdict after jurors failed to break a deadlock, the AP reports. Jurors deliberated more than 52 hours over six days before telling a judge they couldn't reach a unanimous decision on whether The Cosby Show star drugged...

As Cosby Jury Passes 50-Hour Mark, Judge's Patience Tested

Jurors will get back to work Saturday morning

(Newser) - The jury in Bill Cosby's sexual assault case ended a fifth day of deliberations Friday without reaching a verdict, testing the patience of defense lawyers and even the judge as it struggled to break a deadlock by making repeated runs through testimony given by the TV star, his accuser,...

The Bill Cosby Jury Is Deadlocked
The Bill Cosby Jury
Is Deadlocked

The Bill Cosby Jury Is Deadlocked

Judge instructs them to 'keep trying'

(Newser) - The jury in Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial is deadlocked, the AP reports. After 30 hours of deliberation over four days, jurors told Judge Steven O'Neill they could not reach a unanimous verdict on any of the three counts of aggravated indecent assault. O'Neill instructed them to...

Exasperation and Tears as Cosby Jury Struggles

No one is certain when it will all end

(Newser) - As deliberations in Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial continue into a fourth day Thursday, nerves are frayed, patience is shot, and no one is certain when it will all end. Some jurors appeared angry, the judge sounded exasperated, and accuser Andrea Constand's mother broke down in tears Wednesday....

Quiet Then Noise as Cosby's Trial Barrels Toward Its Close

Comedian's defense lasted just minutes, but closing argument is thunderous

(Newser) - Monday's million-dollar question was whether Bill Cosby would testify in his own defense at his sex assault trial, and the answer came shockingly quickly. The Washington Post reports his defense rested after just six minutes. BuzzFeed offers a tighter, 3-minute timeline. It reports Judge Steven O'Neill asked the...

Wife Heads to Trial With Cosby for First Time

Monday's big question: Will the comedian testify?

(Newser) - Bill Cosby arrived at court Monday morning for Day 6 of his sexual assault trial and the start of the defense side of the case, accompanied by his wife of 53 years, Camille. Camille Cosby's arrival marked the first time during the trial of the comedian once known as...

Judge Rejects Cosby Team&#39;s Strategy on Accuser
Judge Rejects
Cosby Team's
Strategy on
the rundown

Judge Rejects Cosby Team's Strategy on Accuser

Lawyers wanted to make an issue out of Andrea Constand being gay

(Newser) - Andrea Constand, the accuser at the center of Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial, told police during a 2005 interview that she is gay, though she had a boyfriend as a teen and sexual contact with a man in her 20s. It turns out that Cosby's defense team wanted...

Cosby Told Police He Fondled Accuser After Giving Her Pills

He said Constand showed no ill effects from the Benadryl tablets

(Newser) - Bill Cosby acknowledged to police more than a decade ago that he fondled Andrea Constand after giving her what he said were cold-and-allergy pills to help her relax, according to a statement introduced Thursday at the comedian's sexual-assault trial. But Cosby also told police that Constand showed no ill...

Cosby Accuser Doesn't Stumble in 7 Hours on Witness Stand

Andrea Constand wrapped up her testimony on 3rd day of assault trial

(Newser) - The woman who accused Bill Cosby of drugging and violating her more than a decade ago stood by her story at his trial Wednesday, withstanding hours of cross-examination that didn't produce the stumbles Cosby might have hoped for, the AP reports. Andrea Constand brushed off suggestions she and Cosby...

What Cosby's Chief Accuser Said on the Stand

Highlights from Andrea Constand's testimony

(Newser) - Bill Cosby's chief accuser said she shot down the actor's casual advances twice before she found herself paralyzed and unable to fight him off the night she took pills that he convinced her were safe herbal supplements, the AP reports. Andrea Constand, a former Temple University basketball administrator,...

First Cosby Witness Explains What He 'Made Me' Do

Prosecutors say there is a pattern to his assaults

(Newser) - Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial opened Monday with testimony from one of the scores of women who accuse the star of drugging and sexually assaulting them. The woman, identified in earlier reports as "Kacey," testified that when she worked at the William Morris talent agency in Los...

Expected at 'He Said-She Said' Cosby Trial: His TV Daughter

And maybe his 'Cosby Show' wife and son, in addition to Keshia Knight Pulliam

(Newser) - Bill Cosby's trial for allegedly assaulting Andrea Constand begins Monday, and at least one member of his former TV family will reportedly be watching from the sidelines, per NBC News . Keshia Knight Pulliam, 38, who played little Rudy Huxtable on The Cosby Show, is expected to be in the...

Bill Cosby&#39;s Jury Is Set
Bill Cosby's Jury Is Set

Bill Cosby's Jury Is Set

2 of the 12 jurors chosen are black

(Newser) - The jury that will hear the sex assault case against Bill Cosby will include two black members among its 12 members in a case Cosby believes could be racially motivated. Prosecutors and the defense team on Wednesday also chose six alternate jurors, two of them black. "It's a...

Cosby Lawyers Accuse Prosecutors of Racial Bias

11 jurors have been chosen

(Newser) - Bill Cosby's lawyers accused Pennsylvania prosecutors of trying to systematically keep black people off the jury Tuesday after prosecutors used their strikes to send two black women home, the AP reports. Judge Steven O'Neill rejected the argument after prosecutors said the second woman was a former Pittsburgh detective...

2 Cosby Jurors Know a Sexual Assault Victim

First 5 jurors have been chosen for June trial

(Newser) - The search for 12 jurors and six alternates for Bill Cosby's sexual assault trial is off to a brisk start even though a third of the initial jury pool had an opinion about Cosby's guilt or innocence and an equal number said they or someone close to them...

Crucial Phase of Cosby Trial Begins Monday
Monday Is a Big Day for Cosby

Monday Is a Big Day for Cosby

Jury selection begins

(Newser) - A crucial phase of comedian Bill Cosby's sex assault trial starts Monday when lawyers gather in Pittsburgh to pick the jury that will weigh his case. The jury must decide if the 79-year-old actor drugged and molested Temple University women's basketball team manager Andrea Constand at his home...

Cosby Breaks Silence as Trial Draws Near
Cosby Breaks Silence as
Trial Draws Near
the rundown

Cosby Breaks Silence as Trial Draws Near

Says he won't testify, suggests that racism may be at play

(Newser) - When Bill Cosby's rape trial gets underway in just under three weeks, don't expect to see the celeb himself on the stand. In a rare interview with Michael Smerconish of SiriusXM that aired Tuesday, Cosby says he doesn't expect to testify in his own defense, reports Deadline...

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