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'Slayer-in-Chief' Warren and Clinton Tag-Team on Trump

Mass. senator makes fun of his 'goofy' hat, says he would 'crush you into the dirt' to get his way

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's eventual running mate or not, as Elizabeth Warren headed out on the campaign trail Monday, she embraced a role she's already been practicing on her own: the "chief public antagonist" against Donald Trump, as CNN describes it (or the "Trump slayer-in-chief," per...

Texas Woman Comes Out of Surgery With British Accent

Lisa Alamia was born and raised in Lone Star State but doesn't sound like it anymore

(Newser) - When Lisa Alamia says the word "kitten," she's not talking about a cat—it's just what it sounds like when the Texas woman says "kidding," a British affectation that isn't an affectation at all, but a symptom of the foreign accent syndrome she...

What Clinton Said as She Made History

'We've reached a milestone,' she declares

(Newser) - Eight years to the week after she congratulated Barack Obama on a hard-fought campaign and said "18 million cracks" had been made in the highest glass ceiling of all, Hillary Clinton thanked her supporters for helping her make history. "We've reached a milestone," she told supporters...

Our Presidential Candidates All Sound the Same

New research shows they're saying different things in basically the same way

(Newser) - Think there aren't a lot of similarities between a Trump speech and a Clinton speech? Think again. Rosario Signorello, who's spent two years studying what makes for charismatic speech, analyzed 36 speeches from Trump, Clinton, Sanders, and Fiorina, according to a press release . He found that politicians sound...

Obama Talks Over 'Wrap-Up' Beeps at UN Climate Talks

'Leader of the free world' had a 3-minute limit

(Newser) - Seems President Obama is not one to be rushed—beep! beep!—off the world stage, NBC News reports. He was giving a speech today at the world climate talks outside Paris when three beeps sounded in an apparent attempt to remind him of the three-minute time limit. He was...

Study Sees Roots of 'Gay Lisp' in Boyhood

It may explain the stereotype, says researcher

(Newser) - A documentary that's new on Netflix called Do I Sound Gay? explores the controversial topic of how some gay men sound, well, stereotypically gay. When it comes to the gay voice, Medical Daily notes that "as a society we associate" a lisp with being gay, though the lisp...

Apes May Be Closer to Speaking Than We Thought

Koko the gorilla can produce nine distinct vocalization and breathing behaviors

(Newser) - Researchers have long assumed that speaking is an impossibility for apes because they can't properly control their vocalizations or their breathing. But now a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Wisconsin is reporting in the journal Animal Cognition that apes may in fact be closer to talking than we...

Scientists Discover What Makes Screams So Scary

They alert fear center of brain, and some are worse than others

(Newser) - What makes a scream a scream? New York University researchers tasked themselves with listening to people scream to find out and have published their findings in Current Biology . NYU psychology and neural science professor David Poeppel and his colleagues collected screams from YouTube, films, and 19 volunteers who screeched in...

How Bill Cosby&#39;s &#39;Pound Cake&#39; Came Back to Bite Him

 How Bill Cosby's 
 'Pound Cake'
 Came Back 
 to Bite Him 
in case you missed it

How Bill Cosby's 'Pound Cake' Came Back to Bite Him

2004 NAACP lecture 'used to shame others ... now being used to shame him'

(Newser) - If Bill Cosby had simply stuck to stand-up and Fat Albert over the years, the damning deposition revealed yesterday in which he confessed to obtaining drugs to sedate women may have remained sealed. That's the crux of Justin Wm. Moyer's article in the Washington Post , which explains how...

Obama, Netanyahu, Iran: What You Need to Know

Israeli PM to speak to Congress on Iran as Kerry works for nuke deal

(Newser) - Over the next two days, Washington will be a study in contrasts. Today, President Obama and two key advisers will push for a diplomatic means of avoiding a nuclear Iran; tomorrow, in a controversial speech to Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will push back against the plan, the New ...

Rock's Rare Moment: Bob Dylan Gives a Speech

And it's rambling, poetic, pure Bob Dylan

(Newser) - Usually when Bob Dylan opens his mouth he's singing, so the rambling 35-minute speech he gave Friday to a crowd of 3,000 of music's royalty had his audience, as the New York Times puts it, "hanging on his every word" as he careened from the topic...

Study: Saying 'Like' All the Time Isn't All Bad

Those who do may be more conscientious than most

(Newser) - Those who speak by packing their sentences with words such as "you know," "I mean," and "like" aren't being ditzy as pop culture would suggest—they're being conscientious. So suggests a new study in the Journal of Language and Social Psychology whose authors...

After Students Protest, First Lady Scraps Grad Speech

She will speak at Topeka event a day earlier instead

(Newser) - High school students in Topeka, Kansas, have decided they would rather have friends and family members at their graduation ceremony than Michelle Obama. The first lady ditched plans to speak at a combined commencement ceremony for five high schools after students protested that security concerns would limit the number of...

MIT Researchers Find Doozy of a Tongue-Twister

'Pad kid poured curd pulled cold'

(Newser) - Go ahead, rattle it off 10 times fast: "Pad kid poured curd pulled cold." MIT researchers doubt you can pull it off, reports the Huffington Post . That particular phrase so flummoxed test subjects in a study of speech errors that some simply stopped speaking, according to a release...

Hillary Hits the Speech Jackpot, Er, Circuit

Clinton is raking in the bucks, but dances a fine line with a 2016 run

(Newser) - For a paltry $200,000, Hillary Clinton will dish up such useful gems as, "Leadership is a team sport," and "A whisper can be louder than a shout." The former secretary of state is cashing in on the Clinton family business of speechifying, the New York ...

In Major Shift, Obama Will Clamp Down on Drone Strikes

Will speak today on new counterterror policies

(Newser) - President Obama will today outline a new course against terror, including two big goals: cutting down on drone strikes and attempting, once again, to close the Guantanamo Bay prison. The speech comes after the administration yesterday admitted killing four US citizens with drones. Under new drone rules, strikes on foreign...

School: Kids Need Permission Slip for Santorum Talk

Michigan high school cancels, then un-cancels controversial speech

(Newser) - Listening to Rick Santorum is the kind of activity that requires parental permission. That's the conclusion a Michigan high school has come to, after a planned speech by the former presidential candidate inspired massive backlash. On Monday, Grosse Pointe High School decided to just cancel the event, but that...

Baboons' Lip-Smacking: Precursor to Speech?

Geladas of Ethiopia smack their lips to make human-like sound

(Newser) - Might this be a hint of how human speech came to be? Researchers at the University of Michigan say wild monkeys of Ethiopia known as geladas smack their lips together and make gutteral noises to produce a sound like our speech, reports PBS . The pattern of these "wobbles" follows...

Obama Goes &#39;Democrat Classic&#39;
 SOTU Had 
 'Retro Flavor' 


Obama's SOTU Had 'Retro Flavor'

But lefty goals that could have been backed by JFK, FDR might not get far: pundits

(Newser) - Pundits agree: President Obama's speech last night marked a firm push for progressive goals, shedding much of the bipartisan focus we've heard from him in recent years. A sampling of what analysts are saying:
  • The speech had a "retro flavor—'Democrat Classic,'" writes Glenn

Obama Eyes Nuke Cuts in Tough State of the Union

Obama set for 'aggressive' speech: Glenn Thrush

(Newser) - Tomorrow's State of the Union is shaping up to be a much tougher speech than we've seen in previous editions from President Obama, writes Glenn Thrush at Politico , calling it "less a presidential olive branch than a congressional cattle prod." Obama doesn't expect Congress to...

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