natural gas

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Winter Oil Heating Costs to Fall
 Winter Oil Heating
Costs to Fall

Winter Oil Heating Costs to Fall

Demand and energy prices continue to fall

(Newser) - The cost of heating an American home with oil this winter will fall 13%, according to government price forecasts released yesterday. The average heating bill for a typical winter for oil customers will be just under $1,700, reports USA Today. But those who use natural gas for heating—who...

Penn Hangs Again With Pal Chavez

Actor and anti-American leader tour natural gas pipeline

(Newser) - Sean Penn is again in Venezuela visiting President Hugo Chavez, the New York Post reports. The two met last year, and the actor calls Chavez—who tends to be critical of the US, to put it mildly—"a fascinating guy," while the prez and equally ardent Bush-hater has...

Utah Drivers Fill Up With Cheap Natural Gas

State's drivers corner the market in natural gas cars

(Newser) - Utah drivers are lining up to fill their cars and trucks with natural gas, at the equivalent of just 87 cents a gallon, the New York Times reports. State regulations keeping natural gas cheap have fueled a surge of interest in natural gas vehicles among drivers in the state, who...

Drilling Boom Sends Natural Gas Supplies Soaring

Boom raises hope for cheaper prices as reserves expand

(Newser) - The US is ramping up natural gas production in a manner not seen since the post-World War II boom—scoring a nearly 9% increase through the first five months of 2008, reports the New York Times. The drilling boom comes as new technology is able to release gas long believed...

As Oil Costs Bubble, Alternative Heating Gets Hot

With home heating oil prices rising, natural gas looks like a better deal

(Newser) - Northeasterners expecting the price of heating oil to hit $4.35 a gallon are creating an avalanche of new business for heating and cooling contractors as they increasingly look to convert from oil heat to natural gas, reports the Wall Street Journal. A conversion to natural gas heat can cost...

Pickens' 'Energy Plan' Lacking in Actual Detail
Pickens' 'Energy Plan' Lacking
in Actual Detail

Pickens' 'Energy Plan' Lacking in Actual Detail

Talk may be cheap, but oilman spending $58M to push empty rhetoric

(Newser) - T. Boone Pickens has plenty of ideas about making the US less dependent on oil, and he has plenty of reasons why. But broad generalizations about using wind power to generate electricity and natural gas to power cars doesn’t offer enough “how-to-get-it-done” detail to make it an actual...

Oil, Gas Prices Continue Slide
 Oil, Gas Prices Continue Slide

Oil, Gas Prices Continue Slide

A glimmer of hope in otherwise gloomy economy as crude prices sink

(Newser) - A dip in the price of energy is providing a welcome respite from an otherwise grim economic picture. Oil, which neared $150 a barrel earlier this month, has dropped $23, or 16%, since July 3; natural gas prices are down 33%. AAA says nationwide gas prices have dropped to $3....

Natural Gas Fuels La. 'Gold Rush'

Untapped deposits create overnight millionaires

(Newser) - The energy crunch is a positive in at least one area, which lies above what may be the largest natural gas supply in the Lower 48. As energy companies buy up real estate, some residents of the south-central US find themselves suddenly flush with money, and some are even becoming...

French Energy Giant Drops Iran Gas Project

Bush victory as Total pulls investment in oil field development

(Newser) - French energy giant Total, the last major Western energy group that planned to invest in development of Iran's huge natural gas fields, is dropping out of the project, the Financial Times reports. The turnabout is a victory for the Bush administration's efforts to isolate Iran over its nuclear program; it's...

Oil Tycoon Kicks Off Energy Campaign

Pickens wants to wean us from foreign supply with wind, natural gas

(Newser) - Billionaire oilman T. Boone Pickens is fed up with America’s dependence on oil and today launched a huge ad campaign to persuade the nation to kick its crude addiction, the Dallas Morning News reports. His "Pickens Plan" proposes that Americans swap gasoline for natural gas, then replace natural...

Shutoffs Loom as Heating Costs Spiral
Shutoffs Loom as Heating
Costs Spiral

Shutoffs Loom as Heating Costs Spiral

With record number behind on bills, federal grants fall short

(Newser) - As heating-fuel costs climb, millions of Americans are behind on electric and gas bills—and a record number will face a shutoff over the next 2 months, the New York Times reports. A federal grant program to help beleaguered consumers keep the heat on covers just 35% of a winter's...

WWII Mines Block Egypt's Access to Oil

4.8B barrels of crude lie under 22M mines, shells in desert

(Newser) - Millions of land mines and unexploded artillery shells left over from World War II are hampering Egypt's efforts to get at a treasure trove of oil and gas beneath the desert, der Spiegel reports. The ordnance is an unwelcome reminder of the North African conflict between Brits and Erwin Rommel’...

Qatar Navigates Persian Gulf Minefield

Geography forces balancing act; gas wealth make it a player

(Newser) - The challenges of being Qatar, a peninsular nation bordering Saudi Arabia in the Persian Gulf, could be a hint of the diplomatic discourse to come, Bloomberg reports. The emirate cannily attends to the demands of its Saudi and Iranian neighbors, and it hosts US military forces; it also has learned...

Russia, Ukraine Settle Gas Flap
Russia, Ukraine Settle Gas Flap

Russia, Ukraine Settle Gas Flap

Agreement reached; export flow to Europe not in danger

(Newser) - Ukraine and Russia announced today that their natural-gas companies had settled the dispute that had caused Russia to cut gas supply to Ukraine by 50%—and spurred worries that the flow of gas to Western Europe would be disrupted, the AP reports. "The restrictions on deliveries for Ukrainian consumers...

Alaska Against Polar Bear's Protection

State could lose $26 billion gas pipeline if species is called threatened

(Newser) - Alaska is opposing calls to save its polar bear population, fearing the state would have to protect dwindling sea ice and give up a multibillion-dollar gas project, the AP reports. Calls to save the bears have been "subverted by the lawyers for the extreme environmental organizations and the liberal...

US Drilling Deals Spark New Fears for Polar Bears

Oils companies to explore frozen seas

(Newser) - The US government has announced $2.7 billion in winning bids for oil drilling rights in 2.8 million acres of Alaska's frozen Chukchi Sea, despite angry objections of lawmakers and environmentalists. The bids include a record $105 million offer from Shell for a single 9-square-mile tract. Environmental groups say...

An Oil Giant, Alaska Faces Gas Crisis

Poor infrastructure, focus on oil exploration behind costly supply issues

(Newser) - Alaska—home of America's largest energy reserves—is facing a major energy crunch. The problem is a lack of infrastructure to get natural gas where it needs to be, the Christian Science Monitor reports. "It's the goofiest thing in the world, to be sitting on top of some of...

Political Rift Weakens Ahmadinejad
Political Rift

Political Rift Weakens Ahmadinejad

Ayatollah overrules Iranian president on gas for villagers

(Newser) - Iran's firebrand president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad suffered a serious political humiliation  yesterday when the nation's supreme leader sided with his opponents to force him to supply a billion dollars worth of natural gas to remote villages suffering power cuts. Iran's poorest communities are enduring one of the harshest winters in years,...

Russia's Gas Giant Faces Big Squeeze

Powerful Gazprom has too little oil to meet demands

(Newser) - Russia faces a threat to its international trump card as Gazprom—its powerful natural gas company—struggles to meet massive worldwide demand, Newsweek reports. The company gets much of its oil dirt cheap from former Soviet republics in Central Asia, then resells it a handsome profit to Europe. Now those...

Exxon Plans $1B Floating Refinery
Exxon Plans $1B Floating Refinery

Exxon Plans $1B Floating Refinery

Platform 4 miles off New Jersey would supply natural gas for 5M

(Newser) - In an effort to bypass project-stalling terrestrial opposition, Exxon yesterday said it plans a $1 billion floating liquid natural-gas refinery 20 miles off New Jersey's coast, Market Watch reports. The project, which could open by 2015, would supply enough natural gas for 5 million residential customers in New York and...

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