Condoleezza Rice

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Russia Bristles at Landmark US-Czech Deal

Moscow threatens military action against anti-missile system

(Newser) - Russia today blasted a landmark deal between the US and Czech Republic with rhetoric reminiscent of the Cold War. After Czech officials agreed to let the US use its territory for a missile-defense system, Moscow threatened military retaliation, Reuters reports. The Kremlin views the deployment of the system in former...

Bush Could Decide by Weekend to Close Gitmo

Supreme Court's decision has forced administration's hand

(Newser) - President Bush could decide by Saturday to close Guantanamo Bay as a prison for high-value detainees, insiders tell ABC. There is “generally wide agreement” among Bush's top advisers—Condoleezza Rice and Robert Gates among them—that Gitmo should eventually be shuttered, but the landmark recent Supreme Court decision undermines...

Rendition Victim Loses US Torture Appeal

Technicality KOs case at center of recent movie

(Newser) - A Canadian software engineer has lost an appeal against the US for his torture in Syria on a technicality, Reuters reports. Syrian-born Maher Arar, whose story inspired the Hollywood movie Rendition, was forced off a flight in New York in 2002 and shipped to Syria, where he says he was...

Bush Demands Action Against Zimbabwe

Calls election a 'sham,' orders sanctions; Rice vows UN resolution

(Newser) - Washington is seeking ways to punish Robert Mugabe for his violent "sham" of an election, President Bush said today. Bush has ordered Condoleezza Rice and Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson to work up sanctions against Zimbabwe, which ran a runoff ballot yesterday with Mugabe the sole candidate. Rice vowed to...

Rice: Diplomacy Key in Progress on North Korea
Rice: Diplomacy Key in Progress on North Korea

Rice: Diplomacy Key in Progress on North Korea

Secretary sees 6-nation framework as only certain end to nukes

(Newser) - Diplomacy is working with North Korea, and the US has made few concessions to bring the rogue state closer to eliminating its nuclear ambitions, Condoleezza Rice writes in today’s Wall Street Journal. "We and the other four parties will expect North Korea to cooperate with us in verifying...

Bush to Ask Congress to Take N. Korea off Terror List

In return, Pyongyang will permanently disable reactor

(Newser) - President Bush will ask Congress tomorrow to remove North Korea from the “terrorist watch list,” reports Steve Clemons in the Washington Note, a move meant to build confidence with Kim Jong-Il and China in the quest to bring the North back from its nuclear pariah status. In return,...

Israel Invites Lebanon to Talks
 Israel Invites Lebanon to Talks 

Israel Invites Lebanon to Talks

Disputed sliver along border on table; offer follows Rice visit to region

(Newser) - Israel today invited the Lebanese government to direct negotiations, adding that it would be willing to discuss all issues, including a long-disputed area along their border, the New York Times reports. US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who visited both nations earlier this week, is attempting to use negotiation over...

New Israeli Settlements Have 'Negative Effect': Rice

She warns against building 1,300 new units in Jerusalem

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice said today that Israeli settlement building is having a “negative effect” on Mideast peace talks, the AP reports. “It’s important to have an atmosphere of confidence and trust,” she said at a news conference with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. She warned against Israel’s...

Kiss Cuddles With Condoleezza
 Kiss Cuddles With Condoleezza 

Kiss Cuddles With Condoleezza

Secretary of state crossed paths with the band in Sweden

(Newser) - In a crossing of paths fit for Madame Tussauds, ‘70s icons Kiss were staying at the same Stockholm hotel as Condoleezza Rice yesterday. Not content to be strangers passing in the Swedish night, the rockers asked if the secretary of state could stop by after dining with the country’...

First Major Aid Finally Reaches Cyclone Survivors

But some planes grounded as officials dicker with junta to get help to villagers

(Newser) - A single United Nations plane laden with relief supplies has finally landed in Burma's Irrawaddy Delta region—six days after a pulverizing cyclone killed an estimated 100,000 people, AP is reporting. Three other UN planes are expected to land later today, but flights operated jointly by the US and...

Police Probe of Olmert Plagues Rice Peace Trip

Investigation could trip up peace deal Rice calls 'achievable'

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's talks in Jerusalem yesterday to bolster the Mideast peace process were overshadowed by an intensifying police investigation into activities by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, reports the New York Times. A court gag order is keeping investigation details under wraps, but observers indicate the probe...

Mandela on US Terror Watch List

Rice is embarrassed, she tells senators

(Newser) - Nelson Mandela may be a Nobel Peace Prize winner, former head of state, an icon of non-violence, and a symbol of the conquest of hope and endurance over oppression, but to the US federal government he's a potential terrorist. Incredibly, Mandela and all members of the African National Congress remain...

Video Links North Korea to Syrian Reactor

Design similar to North Korean nuke technology

(Newser) - Video showing a nuclear reactor under construction in Syria is expected to be released today by the White House, the New York Times reports. The video, shot before the reactor was obliterated by Israeli air strikes, confirms that Syrians had North Korean technological help. The design is similar to one...

Carter: Rice Is Fibbing, Didn't Nix Hamas Meet

Secretary of state and former president at odds over warnings

(Newser) - Jimmy Carter continued a war of words with Condoleezza Rice today over whether he was officially warned against meeting with Hamas leaders last week—insisting through reps that, “perhaps inadvertently, she is continuing to make a statement that is not true.” The Secretary of State said yesterday a...

Rice Refutes Carter, Says US Advised Against Trip

She clarifies opposition to Hamas meeting

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice says the US explicitly advised Jimmy Carter not to meet with Hamas, refuting claims by the former president that no one in the government told him to scrap the trip, the Washington Post reports. "I just don't want there to be any confusion," Rice said. "...

Rice Visits Iraq, Looks to Bolster PM Maliki

Sec says assault on Basra pushed fractious country toward unity

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice paid an unannounced visit to Baghdad today to highlight recent political gains brought about by PM Nouri al-Maliki's government. While the Maliki-ordered assault on Basra last month exposed some weaknesses in the Iraqi army, it also brought different groups in Iraq together, she said. "This is, I...

Top Bushies Personally OK'd Tough Interrogation Tactics

Meetings show high-level approval of CIA's 'enhanced' detainee treatment

(Newser) - Senior White House officials explicitly approved interrogation technique details in several meetings beginning in 2002, sources tell ABC. It was previously known that the CIA drafted a “Golden Shield” memo approving highly specific tactics for use on al-Qaeda detainees, but that top officials—including Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Colin...

Rice as Running Mate Would Be Icing on Cake
Rice as Running Mate Would Be Icing on Cake

Rice as Running Mate Would Be Icing on Cake

Press could totally dig VP Condi—and she's a decent choice, too

(Newser) - Is it too much to ask for one more major dose of entertainment this election season, Eugene Robinson wonders in the Washington Post—then answers his own question by begging John McCain to pick Condoleezza Rice as his running mate. The secretary of state may not come with a natural...

Condi Debunks Veep Rumors
 Condi Debunks Veep Rumors 

Condi Debunks Veep Rumors

She's 'last to know about it,' quips aide

(Newser) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has once again quashed speculation that she is seeking the vice presidential nomination as John McCain's running mate, reports the Washington Post. A McCain-Rice ticket would satisfy many of McCain's conservative critics and represent a formidable challenge to a Dem ticket headed by a woman...

Israel Pledges to Pull 50 West Bank Roadblocks

Rice hails deal, but Palestine officials are skeptical

(Newser) - Pressured by Condoleezza Rice to kickstart flagging peace talks, Israel pledged to remove about 50 roadblocks from the West Bank—the first in a series of “concrete steps” to finalize a deal, Al Jazeera reports. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad hailed the news despite skepticism from other officials. “...

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