Democratic nomination

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Down-to-Earth Barack Brought Fire
 Barack Brought Fire

Down-to-Earth Barack Brought Fire

Speech brings Democratic nominee's campaign back to the elements

(Newser) - Barack Obama took on two of his greatest challenges head-on in his acceptance speech last night, Patrick Healy writes in the New York Times. The Democratic nominee added some down-to-earth proposals to his lofty talk of change, while proving he could take the fight to John McCain with "memorable...

Obama, Don't Squander This Moment
Obama, Don't Squander
This Moment

Obama, Don't Squander This Moment

There is a time and a place for lofty rhetoric, and it's here and now

(Newser) - The right convention speech at the right moment can transcend politics, and Barack Obama may miss his moment with his plans to give a "workmanlike" speech tomorrow, writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post. The candidate should focus on big themes like faith and equality, and return to his...

Denver Gears Up for Democratic Convention

City has enlisted 25,000 volunteers, raised millions for DNC

(Newser) - The Democratic convention is ready to roll in Denver tomorrow despite a few hiccups, like the 1,500 anti-war marchers who gathered outside the Pepsi Center today, the Denver Post reports. But the "Recreate 68" protesters dispersed when asked by police, returning the spotlight to the Democrats' mega-plan—which...

Clinton Will Get Denver Roll Call
 Clinton Will Get Denver Roll Call

Clinton Will Get Denver Roll Call

Move intended to molify supporters

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s delegates will be counted in Denver, the Atlantic Monthly’s Marc Ambinder reports, as her supporters near an agreement with Barack Obama’s. Reports of tensions over the issue are exaggerated, advisers on both sides tell Ambinder. Both sides agree that overlooking Clinton could anger her supporters,...

Clinton Backers Push for Convention Nomination

Supporters say symbolic roll-call vote will recognize 18 million Hillary voters

(Newser) - A group of Hillary Clinton's delegates are working to make sure their candidate's name is put up for nomination at the Democratic convention, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Clinton backers say the symbolic move will serve as recognition for the 18 million voters who chose Hillary in the primaries, and...

Rivals Plan Joint Unity Event
 Rivals Plan Joint Unity Event 

Rivals Plan Joint Unity Event

Tensions linger among supporters

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will make a joint appearance in Washington next week in a show of party solidarity—despite behind-the-scenes tensions. Though Clinton's finance director invited top supporters to the event, some Hillary backers are frustrated by signals that their candidate won't be invited to join the ticket,...

The Most Overrated VP Traits
 The Most Overrated VP Traits 

The Most Overrated VP Traits

Money, ties less important than discretion, trustworthiness

(Newser) - Fed up with a focus on local ties and attractiveness in vice presidential selection coverage, Mark Halperin of Time lists the qualifications most under- and -overvalued by the media. Among other things, don't overlook:
  • A candidate ready to be president from Day One.
  • A candidate trusted and liked by the

Obama-Clinton a 'Winning Ticket,' Says Feinstein

Senator won't tell Obama what to do, but Hill 'had popular vote'

(Newser) - Her candidate may have lost the Democratic nomination, but Dianne Feinstein is still dreaming of the dream ticket, Politico reports. Although she conceeds that "nobody else can tell" Barack Obama what to do, Feinstein today reiterated on ABC's "This Week" the Clinton campaign's longtime assertion that it won...

Clinton, Obama Laughing as They Part

Pair have 'positive' talk; Hillary will endorse him today

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton were laughing together after a private hourlong meeting at a Senate colleague's home, reports the AP. California Sen. Dianne Feinstein said the pair chatted away in her living room late Thursday in a "positive" head-to-head, their first since Obama clinched the nomination. Clinton is...

Clinton, Obama Meet Privately in DC

No word yet on what they discussed

(Newser) - Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton met face to face tonight in a private meeting, NBC news reports. No immediate word surfaced about their discussion. Obama delayed his departure from Washington and instead went to Clinton's home in DC. Earlier in the day, both sought to temper speculation that Obama should...

For African Americans, Pride in a Breakthrough

Blacks nationwide express hope, optimism in victory

(Newser) - In his St. Paul victory speech, Barack Obama made no mention of the fact that he is effectively the first black presidential nominee of a major party. But in interviews with African Americans across the country, the New York Times discovered overwhelming pride in the Illinois senator's candidacy and optimism...

Congrats Obama, Here's Your To-Do List
 Here's Your
 To-Do List 

Congrats Obama, Here's Your To-Do List

Dem finally clinches the nomination—now the real work begins

(Newser) - It wasn’t easy, but a bruised Barack Obama has finally wrapped up the Democratic nomination. The Guardian’s Michael Tomasky knows what he needs to do next:  
  • Redefine himself. Obama has a lot of time now to remind us why he inspired people in the first place.
  • Define

Superdel Win Signals Change Dem Honchos Believe In

Victory in 'smoky backrooms of power' shows how country has shifted

(Newser) - Barack Obama clinching the Democratic nomination is a major moment in history, Eric Easter writes in Ebony, and it is the superdelegate victory that signals the biggest shift in attitudes. The candidate's win among ordinary voters of all races is hugely significant, but it is the win in "the...

Calm and Collected, Obama Makes History
 Calm and Collected,
 Obama Makes History 

Calm and Collected, Obama Makes History

Obama has played it cool throughout his career

(Newser) - Barack Obama is not merely the first black presumptive presidential nominee of a major party—he's also only 46, having entered the Illinois state Senate just 11 years ago. He's also a brilliant, imperfect, unstoppably ambitious man with an astounding ability to remain calm throughout a manic campaign, writes the...

Jesse Jackson Hails Obama Victory
Jesse Jackson Hails Obama Victory

Jesse Jackson Hails Obama Victory

Civil rights leader calls win 'transformational' moment in history

(Newser) - Jesse Jackson praised Barack Obama's key victory last night as a "transformational moment" in American history, Reuters reports. "We knew this breakthrough was possible—we didn't know when or who," said the two-time presidential candidate, emphasizing the remarkable 53-year journey of African-Americans from a Mississippi lynching in...

AP: Obama 'Effectively' Clinches Nomination

Tally based partly on private superdelegate commitments

(Newser) - The AP declared today that Barack Obama has “effectively clinched” the Democratic nomination, basing its projection in part on 15 private commitments from superdelegates. Adding to that a minimum 11 delegates Obama is poised to capture in the final two primaries today, the wire service concludes that the Chicagoan...

Obama to Offer Clinton a 'Graceful Exit'

She could join cabinet or lead charge on health care

(Newser) - As Hillary Clinton's chances of winning the Democratic nomination wane, Barack Obama's camp is readying a consolation prize for the loser-apparent, the Daily Telegraph reports. In a "negotiated surrender," Clinton will likely be offered a cabinet post or the chance to lead a Senate charge on health care,...

Clinton Wins Puerto Rico Easily

But turnout in victory likely insufficient to give her an edge with popular vote

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton was projected to win the Puerto Rico primary by a wide margin today as polls closed, but turnout was estimated to be lower than the 700,000 that Bill Clinton said would support her emphasis on the popular vote. Hillary, Bill, and Chelsea Clinton had spent a combined...

5 Things to Watch in Puerto Rico

Island doesn't vote in primaries, but today its Democratic delegates are up for grabs

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton is banking on a sizable victory today in Puerto Rico to bolster her argument that she’s received more votes than Barack Obama and is a stronger draw for Latinos. Key points to keep an eye on:
  1. The second wave: While many Puerto Ricans sleep in, it's going

Top Democrats Say Race Ends Next Week

Reid, Pelosi to push for quick resolution, good news for Obama

(Newser) - Democratic leaders say the primary fight will be over next week, making it all but certain that Barack Obama will be the nominee. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and party chief Howard Dean say they will press uncommitted superdelegates to make up their minds by midweek,...

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