Lindsey Graham

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Graham Urges Trump to Use Emergency Powers
Graham Urges Trump to
Use Emergency Powers

Graham Urges Trump to Use Emergency Powers

Trump eyes Army Corps of Engineers funding

(Newser) - The government shutdown caused by the border wall standoff is now in its 21st day—tied for the longest ever—and both sides are braced for President Trump to use his emergency powers to break the impasse and pay for the wall. Many Republicans are uncomfortable with the idea, but...

Sen. Graham Had Quite the Lunch With Trump

Seems the US policy on Syria is changing

(Newser) - Seems Sen. Lindsey Graham had a productive lunch with the president. Emerging from a White House meal Sunday, he said President Trump is putting the brakes on US troop withdrawal from Syria: "I think we're slowing things down in a smart way," he said, per CNN . "...

Senator on Saudi Prince: There Was a &#39;Smoking Saw&#39;
Senator on Saudi Prince:
There Was a 'Smoking Saw'
the rundown

Senator on Saudi Prince: There Was a 'Smoking Saw'

After briefing with CIA director Gina Haspel, senators are convinced

(Newser) - Senators came out of a closed-door briefing with CIA Director Gina Haspel on Tuesday with some pretty unequivocal opinions about Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman's involvement in Jamal Khashoggi's October death. What you need to know:
  • Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Corker put it like so: "

Ex-Democratic Staffer Allegedly Doxxed GOP Senators

Jackson Cosko charged with posting addresses online

(Newser) - A former member of Democratic Sen. Maggie Hassan's staff was caught inside Hassan's Capitol Hill office Tuesday night and ultimately arrested Wednesday on charges that he "doxxed" GOP senators. Jackson A. Cosko, 27, is accused of posting "private, identifying information," including addresses, online, Politico reports....

Graham Calls Kavanaugh Hearing 'Most Unethical Sham'

And asks judge if he's a gang rapist

(Newser) - An angry Lindsey Graham unloaded on his Senate colleagues during the Christine Blasey Ford-Brett Kavanaugh hearing Thursday, declaring during the questioning phase of Kavanaugh's testimony, "This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics" and later telling his Republican colleagues that anyone who votes against...

Graham on Meghan McCain: &#39;She&#39;s Her Father&#39;s Daughter&#39;
Senator Praises Meghan
McCain Following Funeral

Senator Praises Meghan McCain Following Funeral

The South Carolina Republican praised his friend's child

(Newser) - On CNN's State of the Union , Sen. Lindsey Graham praised Meghan McCain as "her father's daughter" following her headline-grabbing eulogy to her dad that many said appeared to bash President Trump. Former Secretary of State John Kerry appeared on Face The Nation and bashed the country's...

Trump Offers 'Breakthrough' on Immigration Deal

He's open to path to citizenship for Dreamers

(Newser) - President Trump says he wants Congress to have a deal on immigration and the border ready by the time he returns from the Davos forum in Switzerland—and he says he is open to the deal including a path for citizenship for DACA recipients. "We're going to morph...

Government Shutdown Stretches Into Monday
GOP Senator Blames
Trump Aide for Impasse

GOP Senator Blames Trump Aide for Impasse

Government shutdown stretches into Monday

(Newser) - A deal to end the government shutdown before the beginning of the workweek failed Sunday night, meaning the first shutdown since 2013 will stretch into Monday—and possibly much longer. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced Sunday night that a vote on a deal to fund the government through Feb....

Trump Had Abrupt Change of Heart Before DACA Meeting

'WaPo' reports his pro-deal tone changed within a span of hours

(Newser) - "Durbin blew DACA," proclaimed President Trump in a tweet Monday night, the latest unraveling between the two men in the wake of Thursday's now infamous meeting on immigration. The Washington Post reports that before Trump allegedly spoke of "shithole" ( or "shithouse" ) countries, there...

Republicans Push for Criminal Charges in Russia Probe

Charges would be against someone trying to expose Russian election interference

(Newser) - Two Republican leaders are recommending the Justice Department investigate Christoper Steele—the former British spy who authored the infamous dossier alleging collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign—for possibly lying to the FBI, the Washington Post reports. According to the New York Times , it's the first known criminal...

Olympics in Mind, S. Korea Eyes Rare Talks With North

Dialogue would bring opportunity to 'establish peace,' says President Moon

(Newser) - South Korean President Moon Jae-in wants a North Korea delegation at the PyeongChang Olympics in February, arguing that it's "an epoch-making opportunity to improve inter-Korean relations and establish peace." Responding to a speech from North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, who appeared in favor of such an...

McMaster: Potential for War With North Korea Grows Daily

He thinks China should get tougher

(Newser) - Over two days, two sets of strong words about North Korea. During a Saturday speech in California, White House national security adviser HR McMaster said the possibility of war with the Hermit Kingdom is "increasing every day, which means that we are in a race, really, we are in...

Suddenly, GOP Has Real Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare
Suddenly, GOP Has Real
Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare
the rundown

Suddenly, GOP Has Real Chance to Torpedo ObamaCare

Graham-Cassidy bill has only one firm 'no' so far

(Newser) - Republicans have about two weeks left if they hope to fundamentally change ObamaCare, and the chances of that happening have suddenly risen. In fact, NBC News declares in a headline that the Affordable Care Act is in "grave danger," and the reason is a new bill from GOP...

Senate GOP Makes Final Push to Repeal ObamaCare

Effort has a 2-week window to pass

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are expressing growing hope for a final push to scuttle ObamaCare, an effort that still faces an uphill climb and has just a two-week window to pass. Adding more risk, senators would be in the dark about the bill's impact on Americans, since the Congressional Budget Office...

McCain on His Gaffe at Comey Hearing: 'Colossal Screw-up'

Tells 'Esquire' he miscommunicated Lindsey Graham question from phone

(Newser) - John McCain is shaking his head after admitting he messed up a line of questioning during James Comey's testimony in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee. On June 8, the Arizona senator offered what the Arizona Republic called a "distracted and listless line of questioning" toward the ex-FBI...

Trump: Graham's Va. Criticism of Me Is a 'Disgusting Lie'

President says he's not equating KKK with counter-protesters

(Newser) - President Trump took to Twitter early Thursday to push back against the criticism of his controversial remarks about the violence in Charlottesville. He took particular issue with GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham. "Publicity seeking Lindsey Graham falsely stated that I said there is moral equivalency between the KKK, neo-Nazis &...

Graham: Ousting Mueller 'Could Be Beginning of End' for Trump

Sen. Graham is introducing bill to curb Trump's ability to fire Mueller

(Newser) - “Any effort to go after Mueller could be the beginning of the end of the Trump presidency," Politico quotes Sen. Lindsey Graham as saying. The Republican senator says he's introducing a bipartisan bill that will subject any firing of a special counsel investigating a president—including a...

Homeland Security Chief: Leaks &#39;Darn Close to Treason&#39;
Homeland Security
Chief: Leaks
'Darn Close
to Treason'

Homeland Security Chief: Leaks 'Darn Close to Treason'

Plus, John Kelly, Clapper weigh in on Jared Kushner's alleged contact with Russia

(Newser) - Whoever is behind the leaks of intelligence Britain shared with the United States in the wake of the Manchester bombing is in dangerous territory, according to the secretary of Homeland Security. "I believe when you leak the kind of information that seems to be routinely leaked—high, high level...

Senators Vow to Write Their Own Health Bill
Senators Vow to Write 
Their Own Health Bill

Senators Vow to Write Their Own Health Bill

They say they're not going to be rushed

(Newser) - ObamaCare is "dead," President Trump declared after the House narrowly passed the American Health Care Act Thursday—but before he can sign the death warrant, a bigger battle looms in the Senate. Republican senators say they're going to craft their own ObamaCare replacement bill, and with the...

Graham, McCain Back Tillerson at SecState
Graham, McCain Back
Tillerson at SecState

Graham, McCain Back Tillerson at SecState

Meanwhile, McConnell says Cabinet picks will go through; Schumer is in no hurry

(Newser) - Republican Sens. Lindsey Graham and John McCain will support Rex Tillerson as secretary of state in a move that all but clinches his nomination, reports Politico . Graham confirmed his position on CBS' Face the Nation and in a joint statement with McCain; Marco Rubio still hasn't decided, but McCain...

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