
Stories 61 - 69 | << Prev 

Sure, I'm Vegetarian. Just Not on Thanksgiving

Eat-less-meat movement gaining stride with moderation approach

(Newser) - Sticking to a plant-based diet without denying yourself grandma's pot roast has a name—flexitarian. And whether it's to live longer, save a buck, or because there are better meatless offerings at restaurants, a growing number of Americans are becoming part-time vegetarians, Newsweek reports. "It's not that meat is...

UN Urges: Eat Less Meat to Fight Warming

Cattle 'emissions' equal effect of 33 million automobiles

(Newser) - Meat-eaters who want to help fight global warming can do so by going vegetarian at least one day a week, a top UN official tells the Guardian. The meat industry accounts for an estimated one-fifth of all greenhouse gas emissions, released during feed production and as methane by flatulent livestock....

How This Tastes to a Vegetarian
 How This Tastes to a Vegetarian 

How This Tastes to a Vegetarian

Scribe's first steak in 22 years 'absolutely delicious'—until brain, stomach revolt

(Newser) - The embarrassment for a cow in being a meal for a human one-fifth its size is among the reasons AJ Jacobs doesn’t eat meat. “If my body ended up as brunch for some badger or dachshund, I know I'd be pissed,” he writes in Esquire. But that...

Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?
 Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?

Vegans: To Bee or Not to Bee?

Debate over bee explotation risks deluting animal rights message

(Newser) - Although many vegans view buttered toast and milk as sacrilegious snack fare, a growing “flexitarian” attitude could loosen up the menu to include honey, writes Daniel Engber for Slate. Vegan hardliners argue consumption of the beekeeping byproduct amounts to supporting forced labor, while nectarous proponents counter that such logic...

How to Cut Back on Meat
 How to Cut Back on Meat 

How to Cut Back on Meat

NYT provides advice on changing your diet

(Newser) - Curbing the meat craving can be a challenge in a culture that sees it as the main course—so Mark Bittman offers seven ways to ease the shift in the New York Times:
  1. Don’t worry about protein. By varying your veggies, you can get the amino acids you need.

Strawberry Fields Forever, Sir Paul Pleads

Former Beatle extols vegetarianism as cure for global warming

(Newser) - If you want to fight global warming, drop the hamburger, Sir Paul McCartney advises. “The biggest change anyone could make in their own lifestyle would be to become vegetarian,” said McCartney, himself a longtime herbivore. Livestock is a big contributor to global warming, the ex-Beatle says, because of...

Vegan Diet May Help Arthritis
 Vegan Diet May Help Arthritis 

Vegan Diet May Help Arthritis

Small Swedish study offers hope for patients

(Newser) - Patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis may be able to ease their painful symptoms and cut down on their risk of heart attacks by switching to a vegan, gluten-free diet. The new findings from a Swedish study offer hope for patients of the disease, which has no cure but can be...

To Save the Earth, Gobble Chicken
To Save the Earth, Gobble Chicken

To Save the Earth, Gobble Chicken

Beef production worst, but vegetarian diet isn't eco-friendliest

(Newser) - When it comes to environmentally friendly eating habits, a vegetarian diet isn't necessarily the answer. PETA would have us believe that meat consumption is the single biggest cause of global warming, but the group is misinformed, Salon says—fossil fuels are to blame. To chow down ethically, steer clear of...

Chrissie Hynde Fuming Over Leather Bag Namesake

Pretenders frontwoman a passionate vegetarian

(Newser) - Rocker Chrissie Hynde is furiously threatening to sue an Italian fashion house after it named a red leather handbag after her. The Pretenders star, whose commitment to animal rights has resulted in her arrest in the past, says she's livid that the designers are putting brass in pocket off a...

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