
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

What's White and White and Read All Over?

Blog strikes a chord with some, hits a nerve with others

(Newser) - When a twentysomething writer launched a satirical blog called "Stuff White People Like" 6 weeks ago, he didn't expect an overwhelming response, and he certainly didn't expect to average 300,000 hits a day. The blog was intended to mock the way the media stereotypes ethnicities, but not all...

Amateur MTV Journos to Cover Election

Hipsters aim to grab eyeballs lost to bloggers, Daily Show

(Newser) - MTV is banking on enthusiastic amateurs to make it the go-to source for hip election news. The "Street Team"—51 mostly-under-25 journos armed with laptops, digital cameras, and camcorders—have been deployed to recapture eyeballs and cachet lost to bloggers, Comedy Central, and YouTube, while "redefining journalism,...

Ralph Nader Likes Edwards, But Nobody Likes Nader

Praise for populist isn't exactly welcome

(Newser) - Ralph Nader took Hillary Clinton to the woodshed and heaped praise on John Edwards this week for his anti-corporate courage, but Edwards wasn't exactly trumpeting the support. Nader hasn't been forgiven for siphoning off vital votes from Gore in 2000, the Los Angeles Times reports. "Can't we get one...

Saudis Holding Blogger Critical of Government

Popular scribe detained since Dec. 10, spurring fears of crackdown

(Newser) - The Saudi Arabian government has confirmed that it is holding a prominent blogger for questioning, the New York Times reports today. Fouad al-Farhan, who discussed social issues as one of the few Saudis to blog in Arabic under his real name, was arrested Dec. 10 to be interrogated about “...

Bloggers Blast Government Version of Bhutto Death

We're not 'naive and dumb,' snaps one

(Newser) - Pakistan's political blogging community is expressing extreme skepticism about government statements as to how former prime minister Benazir Bhutto died in last week's assassination attack. The government is claiming Bhutto died after hitting her head on her car’s sunroof in the bomb attack, but the theory is widely disputed,...

Oregon Senator Raises Hackles With Lott Praise

Smith calls seeming pro-segregation remarks 'misconstrued'

(Newser) - Oregon Sen. Gordon Smith is in the doghouse after defending Trent Lott’s infamous 2002 speech waxing nostalgic on Strom Thurmond’s 1948 presidential run. A key Democratic target in 2008, Smith said yesterday that Lott was “misconstrued” as segregationist when suggesting that, had there been a Thurmond administration,...

Japan Blogs, But Politely
Japan Blogs, But Politely

Japan Blogs, But Politely

Also profusely, briefly, anonymously, and nonconfrontationally

(Newser) - Japan's enormous blog culture is very different from its counterpart in the English-speaking world, reports the Washington Post. Japanese blogs have more and shorter posts, and they consist mostly of anonymous musings on life and personal experiences. The relentless criticism and self-aggrandizement of American and European bloggers shock many of...

Rove Joins Newsweek to 'Stir the Pot'

Conservative Karl and liberal rival to pen 'provocative' columns

(Newser) - Only a few months after leaving the White House, former President Bush operative Karl Rove has found a new gig as a Newsweek columnist.  Rove's addition to Newsweek comes just days after the magazine hired popular liberal political blogger Markos Moulitsas of the internet's Daily Kos who, like Rove,...

Fans Livid Over Blocked Baseball Vids

MLB switches DRM provider; purchased content now defunct

(Newser) - Now that Major League Baseball has switched its DRM provider, fans who purchased videos and other baseball content in '06 can no longer access their downloads. A representative for the league explained that they had made one-time purchases, although a blogger says based on a phone interview with MLB officials...

Perez Hilton Calls Own Work ‘Noble’

Admits he skewers Britney because he feels 'cheated'

(Newser) - Mario Lavandeira, aka Perez Hilton, is every celebrity’s worst nightmare, but the blogger thinks his work—satirically applying lipstick, dollar signs, and other doodles to Hollywood’s most photographed—is “noble.” With his own VH1 reality show, a ban from the Chateau Marmont, and a yearly take...

Online Jihad Seeks Western Converts
Online Jihad Seeks Western Converts

Online Jihad Seeks Western Converts

Turning Iraq footage into hip-hop videos is one recruiting tool

(Newser) - Jihadists have long used the internet to spread their message, but now a growing number of Western-based extremists are tapping into a Western audience by giving the message a pop-culture twist, the Times reports. They act as middlemen, translating newsletters and relaying videos from militant Islamic leaders; they also turn...

Eateries Give Food Bloggers a Free Pass

Owners pry good reviews by serving up gratis meals

(Newser) - Eateries are ensuring good reviews by schmoozing food bloggers with free meals, the Wall Street Journal reports. While established critics pay their way and dine unnoticed, some even in disguise, bloggers are getting used to the royal treatment. "I think if I was picking up the tab I wouldn't...

Senate Shield Law Would Cover Bloggers

Controversial new measure defines 'journalist' broadly

(Newser) - A Senate bill that passed the Judiciary Committee yesterday would give bloggers the “reporter’s privilege” of protecting their sources. The federal shield law defines journalism broadly enough to include bloggers who write about public affairs. Critics, including US attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, say the bill would undermine national security,...

Hunt's On for Burma's Hero Bloggers

Cyber dissidents on the lam

(Newser) - Burmese bloggers whose accounts and photos of the Saffron Revolution and the brutal crackdown by the military dictatorship riveted the world last week are now  being hunted by authorities, reports the Times of London. With the Internet shut down and the streets swarming with troops, the bloggers have gone underground.

Blogger Says He Has More Names Up His Sleeve

After Craig resignation, gay-rights activist continues campaign

(Newser) - The blogger who first reported on Larry Craig’s gay cruising says he has outed 33 elected officials and staffers over the past few years and plans to name “a few more” Congress members in the coming months. And he’s issued a standing threat to expose closeted gays...

Hackers Target Bloggers in Cyber-Faceoff

Viral gang sends users infected downloads in major web sweep affecting thousands

(Newser) - Hackers are attacking Google’s Blogger site and planting links to downloads potentially laden with viruses, the BBC reports. Some blogs have been updated with innocent-looking links promising news or digital greeting cards. But clicking on the links could give away users' private data or invite harmful spam messages. Google...

Rudy's Foreign Policy Opus Riles Pundits

In 17-page manifesto the candidate tackles Iraq, Palestine

(Newser) - Bloggers are having a heyday parsing the rambling 17-page essay Rudy Giuliani has published in Foreign Affairs, laying out his big-picture foreign policy views. "Lengthy, pompous and ultimately very confused," writes Salon, and Slate is no kinder: "The breadth and depth of his cluelessness are vaster than...

Bloggers of the World, Unite?
Bloggers of the World, Unite?

Bloggers of the World, Unite?

Proposal to unionize provokes (surprise!) mixed reactions from online community

(Newser) - Some liberal bloggers are attempting to rally their keyboard-hammering brethren and form the first bloggers' union, an organization whose exact configuration is unclear. Some envision the group as a traditional labor faction that would fight for health benefits and recognition within the media, the AP reports, while others want a...

Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers
Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers

Candidates Face Liberal Bloggers

(Newser) - Political campaigning took another step into the blogosphere today as Democratic presidential hopefuls vied for the support of the netroots community at the Yearly Kos convention in Chicago. Seven of the eight candidates answered sometimes-testy questions from what the AP called "powerful and polarizing liberal bloggers."

YearlyKos Gets Ready for Its Closeup

With big day tomorrow, Bloggers ponder their clout with Dems

(Newser) - Bloggers contemplating the off-again, on-again appearance of Hillary Clinton at tomorrow's YearlyKos convention can't quite get over how much more respect—would fear be an exaggeration?—they're inspiring in Democrats this year, compared to the last go-round. Joe Gandelman at the Moderate Voice asks whether it means the Democratic center...

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