social networking

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No, Facebook Isn't Creating a Nation of Lonely Souls

Slate essayist disagrees with cover story in 'Atlantic'

(Newser) - The Atlantic's cover story is a much-discussed piece by novelist Stephen Marche, who concludes that Americans in the age of Facebook "have never been more detached from one another, or lonelier." It's strong stuff, but it's just the latest entry in a long list of...

Orthodox Brooklyn School Orders Girls Off Facebook

Site encourages immodesty, say administrators

(Newser) - An Orthodox Jewish high school in Brooklyn is making headlines for its new zero-tolerance policy on Facebook. The all-girls Beth Rivkah school has a simple rule for students: Delete your page and pay a $100 fine or find a new school, reports the New York Post . “It’s the...

Pinterest Reassures Users Over Copyright Concerns

Social networking site releases statement

(Newser) - Pinterest is quickly following up on the copyright concerns that were recently raised by a lawyer and photographer, whose blog post on the potential issues went viral on the social networking site . "Pinterest is a platform for people to share their interests through collections of images, videos, commentary, and...

Facebook Kills 'Most Beautiful Teen' Page

Photos triggered the usual nasty comments

(Newser) - Amid an outcry from parents, Facebook has quickly killed a page seeking the world's "Most Beautiful Teen." The page hosted a contest that sought teenagers' photos and had amassed a collection of sometimes suggestive photos, ABC News reports. The pictures garnered comments like "her nose is...

Soon, You Can Play Hunger Games on Facebook

'Hunger Games Adventures' coming to social networking site

(Newser) - Soon you'll be able to compete in the Hunger Games—sort of. A Facebook game based on the popular trilogy arrives March 23, the same day the first movie based on the books is released. But unlike in the Suzanne Collins novels, players in the Hunger Games Adventures won'...

Google+ Basically a Ghost Town
 Google+ Basically a Ghost Town 

Google+ Basically a Ghost Town

Visitors to the social network spend three minutes there a month

(Newser) - Google+ launched with ambitions of competing with Facebook, and if you listen to CEO Larry Page, it's on pace to do just that, with 90 million users registering since June. But there's one big problem, the Wall Street Journal observes: Those 90 million users aren't actually doing...

Great Facebook Profiles Make for Great Employees
Great Facebook Profiles
Make for Great Employees
in case you missed it

Great Facebook Profiles Make for Great Employees

Your profile can predict how well you'll perform: study

(Newser) - Want to know how successful you'll be at your job? Consider asking someone to analyze your Facebook profile. In a new study, a university professor and two students rated the profiles of 56 employed college students, grading them on characteristics such as "dependability" and "emotional stability."...

Women More Likely to Unfriend
 Women More 
 Likely to Unfriend 
study says

Women More Likely to Unfriend

They're also a lot more cautious with their content

(Newser) - Women are the less fair sex when it comes to social networking. Ladies are a little more likely to delete friends on sites like Facebook and Twitter than gentlemen are, and a lot more likely to keep their pages private, reports AFP . A Pew Research Center study found that 67%...

Top Apps Download Your Whole Address Book

Twitter, Path blamed in privacy controversy

(Newser) - Leading smartphone apps are taking a lot more of our information than we realize. If you use Twitter's "Find Friends" feature, the company receives every phone number and email address in your address book—a fact that Twitter hadn't clarified, the Los Angeles Times reports. The company...

Pinterest's New Member: Mark Zuckerberg

Facebook CEO checks out the surging upstart

(Newser) - The new social networking darling Pinterest has been getting all kinds of attention of late, and now comes a sure sign of validation: Mark Zuckerberg has signed up with a profile of his own, reports All Facebook . It notes that Zuckerberg also has accounts on Twitter and Google Plus, but...

Facebook 'Power Users' Help Everybody Else

A minority makes the experience more rewarding for the majority: Study

(Newser) - This might help explain why Facebook is closing in on 900 million users: Most people "receive more from their Facebook friends than they give," concludes a new Pew study . Among the findings from the one-month analysis:
  • 40% of users made a friend request in the one-month period, but

Here's the 'Most Annoying Tweet Imaginable'

It involves whining about a sandwich

(Newser) - How to be an ace tweeter? Megan Garber at the Atlantic pores over a new study and starts her lesson with what not to do. This would be "The Most Annoying Tweet Imaginable":
  • "BREAKING: Last week I had a #sandwich that was SO HORRIBLE, it made me want

Facebook Post Garners 1M Comments

Users shatter Guinness World Record

(Newser) - A team of about 100 Facebook pals has collaborated to comment more than a million times on a post—setting an official Guinness record, KTXL-TV reports. The initial post was made in October in the Facebook group Ffgpioneers/gwr/attempt . (It was an innocuous post made just for this purpose.) To...

Facebook Makes Us Feel Bad About Our Lives
Facebook Makes Us Feel
Bad About Our Lives

Facebook Makes Us Feel Bad About Our Lives

Those who use it more often think others are happier: study

(Newser) - One quick way to feel better about your life: Delete your Facebook account. Or, at the very least, spend less time on it. A new study suggests that the more you use Facebook, the more likely you are to believe that your friends are happier and lead better lives than...

Google Searches Getting Personal

Integration of Google+ content sparks backlash

(Newser) - Google's latest search revamp is a blow to both privacy and competition, critics complain. The search giant is integrating search results with content from its Google+ social network, meaning searchers will soon see results from content they have shared with friends as well as from the wider Internet, the...

Facebook Coming to ... Your Car?

Mercedes installs new system, swears it's safe

(Newser) - Facebook has found its way inside what could be its most unlikely device yet: a car. Mercedes-Benz will soon be installing Facebook in its new cars, with a specially-designed, bare-bones version that, it hopes, minimizes the chance of someone crashing off the road while using it. The app, which was...

Is Each of Your Twitter Followers Worth $2.50?

That's what one company suing an ex-worker thinks

(Newser) - Do a company's Twitter followers belong to the firm, or to the employee doing the tweeting—and how much is each follower worth? The questions are at the heart of a lawsuit in South Carolina, report AP and the New York Times : An online tech review firm is suing...

Facebook Wants to Be Your Social Planner

Site rolls out 'suggested events' feature based on your previous activity

(Newser) - Have you ever stayed home on a Saturday night wishing someone would have sent you a Facebook invitation to something, anything? Well, if so, Facebook has your back. It recently quietly rolled out a new “suggested Events” feature, replacing the old “Friends’ Events” one. It recommends events to...

Facebook Has Scads of Cash: Leak

Source reveals finances to Gawker

(Newser) - Facebook is pretty much made of money, a knowledgeable source tells Gawker . The site has raw numbers as of September, which Ryan Tate calls “the Silicon Valley equivalent of hard-core pornography,” and they show that the social networking site will probably earn almost $1 billion in profit this...

Sick of Bad Seatmates? Airline to Let You Cherry-Pick

...using social media, of course

(Newser) - Not fun: Being stuck next to a super-chatty traveler or big drinker on a long flight when all you want to do is sleep. The modern-day solution: Forget earplugs, just book on KLM, which will next year launch a service called "meet and seat." The move will allow...

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