alternative energy

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EPA Refuses to Lower Ethanol Quota

Agency denies request by Texas governor

(Newser) - The EPA refused to cut a minimum ethanol quota today, despite critics’ charges that the biofuel mandate is driving high food prices, the New York Times reports. The agency approved Congress’ quota that requires the US use 9 billion gallons of ethanol in gasoline blends this year, denying Texas Gov....

Obama Takes Campaign to Gas Pumps

Spot to air at Florida filling stations links McCain to high prices

(Newser) - Barack Obama's campaign will run an energy-themed ad on TVs on Florida gas pumps starting today, the Palm Beach Post reports. The commercial highlights alternative-energy research and tax cuts as parts of Obama's plan to "break the grip of foreign oil," while presenting John McCain as more of...

China's Wind Power Takes Off
 China's Wind Power Takes Off

China's Wind Power Takes Off

Could compete with coal by 2015

(Newser) - Although known for its monstrous appetite for coal, China has spent the last few years ramping up its wind-power capacity, the Guardian reports. The amount of wind power generated has grown over 100% a year since 2005, with enormous wind farms popping up across the country. "It is huge,...

Energy Crisis Requires a Global Agency
Energy Crisis Requires a Global Agency

Energy Crisis Requires a Global Agency

UN atomic watchdog argues for managed transition from oil

(Newser) - A global agency is needed to deal with the developing energy crisis, Mohamed ElBaradei, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, writes in the Financial Times. Demand for energy is rising fast and alternatives to fossil fuels remain largely hypothetical, and though there are international organizations to deal with everything...

Pickens Takes His Campaign to Capitol Hill

Billionaire's pitch for wind power backed up by big talk, big cash

(Newser) - Oilman T. Boone Pickens’ pitch for a new plan to get the US off foreign oil is drawing a great deal of attention—partially due to its rhetorical ambition, and partially due to Pickens’ willingness to walk the walk with his estimated $4 billion checkbook. Politico examines Pickens’ determination to...

Texans Shocked by Spiking Power Bills

State not quite prepared for deregulation, and higher fuel costs don't help, either

(Newser) - As energy prices soar, many Texans are wishing they had added "regulation of electrical companies" to the list of things not to mess with. Authorities predicted competition would lower prices when they deregulated the industry in 1999, the Wall Street Journal reports, but inadequate infrastructure, rising fuel costs, and...

At Green Disco in London, Dancers Foot the Energy Bills

'Eco-disco' aims to help the planet boogie away from disaster

(Newser) - Bust a move, save the world. That's the premise behind a new disco in London that bills itself as the world's first eco-club, reports the Guardian. Its dance floor is designed to harness the energy of dancing feet. The club's owner says that alone will cover 60% of the electric...

Oil Tycoon Kicks Off Energy Campaign

Pickens wants to wean us from foreign supply with wind, natural gas

(Newser) - Billionaire oilman T. Boone Pickens is fed up with America’s dependence on oil and today launched a huge ad campaign to persuade the nation to kick its crude addiction, the Dallas Morning News reports. His "Pickens Plan" proposes that Americans swap gasoline for natural gas, then replace natural...

Dubai High Rise Would Add Novel Twists

Revolving floors just one of 80-story tower's planned innovations

(Newser) - If heights make your head spin, a planned 80-story tower in Dubai might not be the place for you. Set to be the "world's first building in motion," David Fisher's design features doughnut-shape floors that rotate 360 degrees around a fixed cement core, the AP reports. It would...

Can Your Bra Power Your iPod?
 Can Your Bra Power Your iPod? 

Can Your Bra Power Your iPod?

Writer wants to put her breasts to work

(Newser) - For all the embarrassing bouncing and awkward jiggling they do, there must be a way to capture the power of breast motion, Adrienne So writes in Slate. “Human-powered devices are showing up everywhere. … Could someone design an iPod-powering bra for me?” she asks. A sports bra design consultant...

It's the End of the World as We Know It—and He Feels Fine

Gas prices closing the open frontier, finally

(Newser) - The soaring cost of travel is forcing a fundamental change in the identity of America, writes Bill McKibben in the Washington Post: "The frontier of endless mobility that we've known our entire lives is closing." And that's not necessarily a bad thing, because sprawl has "eroded our...

Oil-Addicted Bush Must Kick the Habit
Oil-Addicted Bush
Must Kick the Habit

Oil-Addicted Bush Must Kick the Habit

High fuel prices offer chance to change our ways

(Newser) - The American thirst for oil is like a drug addiction, and George Bush wants another hit, writes Thomas Friedman in the New York Times. Bush’s irresponsible energy plan involves getting a little more oil from Saudi Arabia to keep prices low, and then drilling in Alaska—simply prolonging our...

Why Everyone in Berkeley Owns a Prius

Development of green political clusters starts at the beach

(Newser) - Nowhere in California is the power of green consumerism more apparent than the Prius-packed city of Berkley. The Economist takes a look at a "greenery by zip code" study that, somewhat unsurprisingly, places Palo Alto near the top and Bakersfield near the bottom of locales packed with certified green...

Honda Unveils Hydrogen Car
 Honda Unveils Hydrogen Car 

Honda Unveils Hydrogen Car

Emission-free FCX Clarity runs on hydrogen and water

(Newser) - Honda has begun commercial production on the FCX Clarity, an emissions-free car that runs entirely on hydrogen and electricity, the BBC reports. Honda only plans to produce 200 models over the next 3 years, however, expecting the scarcity of hydrogen fueling stations to dampen demand. “In the next few...

Is There a Solar Bubble?
 Is There a Solar Bubble?

Is There a Solar Bubble?

Parallels with now-depressed ethanol stocks sure to scare investors

(Newser) - Stocks in solar-energy outfits are enjoying a sustained rally, but investors should remember the lesson of ethanol, Mark Gongloff writes in the Wall Street Journal. Once-loved ethanol stocks are now widely scorned—mainly because the energy source will never be viable without government subsidies. Still, despite solar’s advantages, shares...

Alaskan City Goes Green—by Necessity

After avalanche, Juneau is forced to find ways to use less energy

(Newser) - An energy conservation effort born out of necessity has turned the residents of Juneau, Alaska, into poster children for the green movement, the New York Times reports. Electricity rates skyrocketed 400% after an avalanche knocked out several major transmission towers last month; the state capital has since lowered its electricity...

Congress Grills Oil Execs Over Skyrocketing Prices

Honchos place some blame at legislators' feet

(Newser) - Top oil executives faced a panel of angry lawmakers on Capitol Hill today, as Congress fumed over the disparity between the companies’ hefty profits and soaring prices, the Washington Post reports. Said one rep, “I believe the laws of supply and demand when it comes to oil and gas...

Clock's Ticking on World Oil Supply: Shell CEO

Energy demand will top supply by 2015

(Newser) - World oil demand will outpace supply in 7 years, Shell's CEO warned in an email sent to employees in advance of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Jeroen van der Veer sees nuclear power, oil sands, and other unconventional energy sources replacing oil and gas out of necessity, whether...

An Oil Giant, Alaska Faces Gas Crisis

Poor infrastructure, focus on oil exploration behind costly supply issues

(Newser) - Alaska—home of America's largest energy reserves—is facing a major energy crunch. The problem is a lack of infrastructure to get natural gas where it needs to be, the Christian Science Monitor reports. "It's the goofiest thing in the world, to be sitting on top of some of...

Bushies Break Records in Rush to K Street

More than 150 White House staffers have switched to lobbying

(Newser) - Departing staffers of lame duck presidents have long filled the ranks of lobbying firms, but the Bush White House is providing K Street operatives in particularly high numbers, the Politico reports—raising a series of ethics questions about the revolving-door phenomenon. The key industries hiring outgoing Bushies are homeland security—...

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