Bill O'Reilly

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Stewart, O'Reilly Trade Jabs
 Stewart, O'Reilly Trade Jabs 

Stewart, O'Reilly Trade Jabs

Daily Show host mocks Fox; anchor rips 'stoned slackers'

(Newser) - Jon Stewart ventured onto a hostile playing field today, sitting down for an interview with Fox News pundit Bill O’Reilly that gave both ample room to land haymakers. While the Daily Show host denounced the conservative channel’s coverage of President Obama—“All I hear on your network...

Fox Has Top 13 Cable News Shows

In January overall, Fox was third most watched cable channel

(Newser) - "Fair and balanced" might be cause for lively debate, but Fox News' status as the top dog in cable news isn't—the network scored the top 13 programs in total viewership and the key 25-54 demographic through January. Bill O’Reilly’s show tops the rankings, with Sean Hanitty...

Jon Stewart to Appear on Bill O'Reilly's Show

It will be Stewart's second visit with Papa Bear

(Newser) - Jon Stewart will brave the wilds of Fox News tomorrow to appear on Bill O’Reilly’s program for the second time. But why? “Stewart wants to be on the highest-rated show in cable news,” a source joked to the New York Daily News . Whatever the impetus, the...

Jon Stewart to Pat Robertson: 'Shut Your Piehole'
 Jon Stewart to 
 Pat Robertson: 
 'Shut Your Piehole' 


Jon Stewart to Pat Robertson: 'Shut Your Piehole'

Limbaugh, Robertson, even Maddow irk Stewart—probably O'Reilly too

(Newser) - Jon Stewart is not happy with people using the earthquake in Haiti to advance their own agendas, and he had some words for Pat Robertson (and other offenders) last night: “Shut your piehole!” The only silver lining to the tragedy “is that whenever something this horrific...

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut
 Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut 

Sarah Palin Makes Fox Debut

GOP star talks Obama, Pelosi, Iran with O'Reilly

(Newser) - Sarah Palin made her much-anticipated debut on Fox News tonight, appearing as a contributor on Bill O’Reilly’s show. The former Alaska governor (and weekend sportscaster for an Anchorage TV station) hit on President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and US relations in with Iran, Colby Hall notes for...

Brit Hume: Tiger Woods Advice 'Not Proselytizing'
 Brit Hume: Tiger Woods 
 Advice 'Not Proselytizing' 

Brit Hume: Tiger Woods Advice 'Not Proselytizing'

He defends comments on Buddhism, Christianity to Bill O'Reilly

(Newser) - Tiger Woods “needs something that Christianity especially provides and gives and offers, and that is redemption and forgiveness,” Brit Hume told Bill O’Reilly last night—while adamantly denying his Sunday night exhortation to the golfer was proselytizing. Even so, if Woods were to convert, it “would...

Barbara Walters: Michelle Obama Is Most Fascinating

Barbara's top picks for 2009 also include Glenn Beck, Jenny Sanford

(Newser) - Barack Obama, Barbara Walters’ most fascinating person of 2008, was succeeded this year by…his wife, Michelle. Walters named the first lady her top pick during last night’s ABC special, which also included interviews with the rest of the top 10. Obama discussed the “amazing whirlwind” of life...

The Year's Best Twitter Hoaxes
The Year's Best
Twitter Hoaxes

The Year's Best Twitter Hoaxes

Britney lives, pork's clean, and O'Reilly's straight, as far as we know

(Newser) - Twitter has become a top source for breaking news, as long as you don’t mind half of your breaking news being wrong. A number of big-time fibs started as tweets this year. Pop-ology breaks down the best:
  • Bill O’Reilly is gay: This one came off Fox News’ own

O'Reilly to Huckabee: Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'
 O'Reilly to Huckabee: 
 Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'
Cop Killer Blame Game

O'Reilly to Huckabee: Clemmons 'Not Your Fault'

But other conservatives are less understanding

(Newser) - Mike Huckabee’s a “standup guy,” and shouldn’t beat himself up for granting clemency to suspected cop killer Maurice Clemmons, Bill O’Reilly told him last night. “It’s not your fault, governor,” O’Reilly declared. “I mean, look, you’ve got 1,200...

Hannity Beats O'Reilly in Ratings War

His interview with Sarah Palin trumps that of his Fox colleague

(Newser) - Sean Hannity's interview with Sarah Palin helped him achieve a rare feat: his show beat the O'Reilly Factor as the top-rated cable news program of the week. Hannity's Nov. 18 interview drew 4.2 million viewers, a shade above Bill O'Reilly's talk with her the next night at 4.12...

Fox News Lets Jon Get Under Its Skin, Again

Stewart's "go bleep yourself" to Goldberg gets O'Reilly's attention

(Newser) - Fox News commentator Bernard Goldberg is just so sad that Jon Stewart doesn’t like him anymore, and he made a point of saying so on last night’s O’Reilly Factor . Stewart slammed Goldberg the night before on the Daily Show for Goldberg's comment that liberals don’t “...

Dobbs: CNN Didn't Want Obama Criticism

'What is immutable is that I'm staying in the public arena'

(Newser) - Lou Dobbs guarantees "100%" that he'll be staying in "the public arena" now that he's finished with CNN, he told Fox's Bill O'Reilly last night, but he demurred on whether that means a run for a New Jersey Senate seat. President Obama "isn't the devil," Dobbs...

O'Reilly: 'We Can't Kill All the Muslims'

Fox host suggests motive for US strategy

(Newser) - Fox News host Bill O'Reilly believes the US wants to win the "hearts and minds" of the world's Muslims because we can't kill all of them, the Huffington Post reports. He let slip last night during a discussion with novelist and retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters about alleged Fort...

'Race Hammers' Crushed Rush Deal: O'Reilly

Limbaugh 'should sue' NBC, CNN for '1984 attack'

(Newser) - "Thought police" in the media who have unfairly skewered Rush Limbaugh as a racist spoiled his bid to become an owner of the Rams, charged right-wing media maven Bill O'Reilly. Now that he's been dumped from the buyers' group after the controversy over his participation, Limbaugh should sue media...

Beck: Prez Cares More About Fighting Fox Than Afghan War

Beck, Bill O'Reilly escalate Fox feud with the White House

(Newser) - Fox anchors Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly went on the attack last night against White House accusations that their network is heavily biased against the president. "They’re more worried about the war on Fox than the actual war in Afghanistan,” snorted Beck at the beginning of his...

Fox: Tea Parties Not Covered CNN: You Lie!
Fox: Tea Parties Not Covered
CNN: You Lie!
media melee

Fox: Tea Parties Not Covered CNN: You Lie!

Ad sparks network tea party war

(Newser) - Rival networks were quick to go on the counterattack after being accused by Fox of ignoring last weekend's tea party protests in the capital, Mediaite reports. A full-page Washington Post ad from Fox asked, "How Did ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC And CNN Miss This Story," prompting the...

O'Reilly: Stewart's Off the Rails

'Secretly liberal' Fox News strikes back

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly hit back at Jon Stewart last night, saying the Daily Show host had gone "off the rails" with recent jokes about Fox News. Stewart Wednesday night sarcastically called Fox "secretly liberal," because commentators like O'Reilly are now doing all the things they attacked liberals for...

Fox News Set for Best Year Ever

Ratings soar with Dems in office

(Newser) - Conservatives may not have their preferred president, but they do have a preferred network: Fox News is on a roll, set for its best ratings year ever, the AP reports. Viewership is up 11% over last year—though the boom hasn’t come without controversy, with some critics suggesting that...

No Joke: O'Reilly Pens Essay Praising Obama

Fox host calls president an inspiration to young Americans

(Newser) - Bill O'Reilly has written a glowing tribute to President Obama that will run in this Sunday's Parade magazine, Politico reports. The Fox host, who doesn't pull any punches when blasting the president's policies, holds Obama's life story and achievements up as an inspiration to young Americans in the essay, titled...

What Truce? O'Reilly, Olbermann Back in the Ring

Olbermann calls O'Reilly 'worst'; O'Reilly attacks GE

(Newser) - The feud between Bill O’Reilly and Keith Olbermann continues, despite word of a peace deal: On Monday Olbermann said there was no truce and awarded O’Reilly the silver medal for “World’s Worst Person.” Then he gave the gold to Fox News honcho Rupert Murdoch. O’...

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