Two men were publicly caned in Indonesia's Aceh Province after a Shariah court convicted them of having sex with each other. The caning took place at Banda Aceh's Bustanussalatin city park. The men, aged 24 and 18, were sentenced to 82 and 77 strokes respectively, reduced from 85 and 80 due to time served in prison. Their arrest occurred in November after residents suspected their relationship and involved Shariah police. The caning reflects Aceh's enforcement of Shariah law, which has been in place since 2006.
Aceh is the only Indonesian province practicing such law, extending to non-Muslims who make up about 1% of its population. The region allows up to 100 lashes for offenses like homosexuality and sex between unmarried people. Caning is also a punishment for gambling, alcohol consumption, indecent attire, and skipping prayers. Additionally, two individuals received 34 and 8 strokes respectively for gambling. Human rights organizations criticize Aceh's laws for breaching international treaties that protect minority rights. Indonesia's secular central government cannot repeal Aceh's Shariah laws. (This story was generated by Newser's AI chatbot. Source: the AP)