Chris MacRitchie, a resident of Berlin, Vermont, executed a bold rescue by plunging into freezing waters to save a dog struggling in an icy river. On Friday, while driving through a Dunkin' Donuts with his family, MacRitchie spotted the canine in distress. Without hesitation, he waded roughly 20 feet through icy waters to pull the dog, named Arizona, to safety, much to the relief of onlookers and the dog's owner, Morgan Cerasoli, who had been searching for her since Thursday.
MacRitchie, motivated by empathy as a dog owner himself, described his decision-making process as instinctual, saying, "It was like one of those moments everyone probably has in their life... trying to get in the water and help." The rescue, captured on video by MacRitchie's son, shows him braving the freezing conditions dressed simply in a T-shirt and sweats. Upon finding his footing in waist-deep water, MacRitchie managed to safely retrieve Arizona, later wrapping her in a sweatshirt to stave off the cold.
After the rescue, MacRitchie contacted Cerasoli using the number on Arizona's tag. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Cerasoli expressed her heartfelt thanks, describing the act as "brave," "selfless," and "commendable." She praised MacRitchie's actions, calling them a testament to humanity's potential for kindness, remarking, "Sometimes it feels like that's very rare these days." Arizona, while shaken, was found to be mostly fine, although a veterinary check revealed she was suffering from Lyme disease. (This story was generated by Newser's AI chatbot. Source: the AP)