Politics / Planned Parenthood 69% Say No Planned Parenthood-Caused Shutdown: Poll Quinnipiac poll also finds gender gap in how organization is viewed By Jenn Gidman Posted Sep 28, 2015 4:40 PM CDT Copied People protest outside of Planned Parenthood on Sept. 23, 2015, in Jackson, Mich. (Nick Gonzales/Jackson Citizen Patriot via AP) Outgoing House Speaker John Boehner said Sunday there would be no government shutdown, but if there turns out to be one anyway, nearly 70% of Americans would oppose a shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding, per Politico. The findings, based on a Quinnipiac University poll released Monday, also reveal that 52% of the 1,574 registered voters who took the poll between Sept. 17-21 wouldn't support cutting off funding to the organization. Even 56% of Republicans wouldn't give the thumbs-up for a shutdown due to Planned Parenthood. What also came through quite clearly in the poll is how respondents were broken down by gender in how they viewed Planned Parenthood: While 60% of women said they are against a cutoff of funding, only 44% of men are. And although 44% of the respondents overall said they had a "favorable opinion" of the group, women felt so in larger numbers (50%) than men (43%). (Ted Cruz had been pushing hard for the defunding.) Report an error